====== Cinematics ====== //Cinematic Moves// in a 2.5D fighting game was first introduced in 2008 with the Street Fighter 4 series. It refers to taking advantage of the 3D engine by moving the camera to different angles during a move for dramatic camera shot. {{:move:move_cinematic_example1.jpg?nolink|}} {{:move:move_cinematic_example2.jpg?nolink|}} {{:move:move_cinematic_example3.jpg?nolink|}} {{:move:move_cinematic_example4.jpg?nolink|}} ---- ===== Casting Options ===== **Casting Frame:** When during the move the cinematic should begin. **Cinematic Type:** Select from //Camera Editor//, //Animation File// or //Prefab//. **Character Animation Speed (%):** The character's animation speed during this cinematic. **Opponent Animation Speed (%):** The opponent's animation speed during this cinematic. **Freeze Physics:** If enabled, UFE will not perform Physics operations during this cinematic. Use this if you don't want physics calculated during this cinematic. (Camera Editor or Prefab)\\ **Duration (seconds):** Duration of this cinematic before the returning camera control back to the game. ---- ==== Cinematic Type: Camera Editor ==== {{ :move:move_cinematic1.png?nolink|}} Camera Editor type allows you to manually set the moving speed, starting and ending position/rotation/FOV of the camera for this cinematic. Use this if you don't have animation files or a prefab. **Movement Speed:** How fast the camera moves to final position. Test this with the preview option below. **Initial Position:** The starting position of the camera. **Initial Rotation:** The starting rotation of the camera. **Initial Field of View:** The starting field of view of the camera. **Copy from a file:** Drag a [[global:start|Global Config]] file here to copy the global camera settings. This is a good way to accurately get the correct initial position, rotation and FOV of the camera. **Final Position:** The final position of the camera. **Final Rotation:** The final rotation of the camera. **Final Field of View:** The final field of view of the camera. **Snap Current Camera Info:** Snaps the current camera transform into the //Final Position//, //Final Rotation//, and //Final Field of View// values. The position converted is related to the character through a [[http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Transform.TransformPoint.html|transform point]]. **Notes:** * If you want the camera do cuts or camera shots, change the speed to 100. * Multiple camera shots are possible, but they are a little tricky since the camera works in seconds while the animation works in frames. If you are working at 60 FPS, just remember that 60 frames = 1 second. * To have your camera freeze after performing its move, make sure you set the speed to a value in which it will reach its destination with time to spare. ---- ==== Cinematic Type: Animation File ==== {{ :move:move_cinematicanimationfile.png?nolink|}} You can use an animation file to control the camera animation. The animation file is just an [[http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-AnimationClip.html|Animation Clip]] with key frames for the object’s transform. It doesn’t need a camera component. You should be able to use imported animation clips from a 3D package - as long as it generates the [[http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-AnimationClip.html|Animation Clip]] on import, it will work. During this cinematic the Main Camera will be placed inside a Parent Game Object (created just for this cinematic). After the cinematic, the Main Camera is placed back into the scene Hierarchy and the Parent Game Object is destroyed. **Animation Clip:** The animation clip of the cinematic. **Animation Speed:** If you want to adjust the speed of the clip, use this value. **Parent Game Object Position:** The position of the parent game object for the camera. Usually best to leave at 0. **Child Camera Position (relative):** An offset for the camera’s position relative to the parent. Correct camera positioning here. **Child Camera Rotation:** An offset for the camera’s rotation relative to the parent. Correct camera rotation here. **Field of View:** The field of view of the camera during the cinematic. **Blend Speed:** How fast we blend into this animation clip. NOTE: **Child Camera Position** and **Child Camera Rotation** are not previewed in realtime. You will need to close and reopen the preview before seeing any changes to these values. ---- ==== Cinematic Type: Prefab ==== You can use a prefab which contains a camera and associated animation. UFE will switch to the camera prefab during the cinematic. Useful if you already have a your own camera recordings. You cannot preview the prefab in the editor. **Freeze Physics:** If enabled, all physics are ignored. Use with caution - the prefab needs to hand back physics control at the end of the animation. **Prefab:** Drag the cinematic prefab here. NOTE: ---- ==== Camera Preview ==== Preview the camera behavior. {{ :move:move_cinematic2.png?nolink |}} **Timeline:** Use the slider to preview the camera. The timer is based on the duration set. ---- Code example: void OnHit(HitBox strokeHitBox, MoveInfo move, CharacterInfo hitter){ foreach(CameraMovement cameraMovement in move.cameraMovements){ if (cameraMovement.casted) Debug.Log("Cinematic has been cast."); } } ---- [[move:start|< Back to Move Editor]]