====== UFE ====== **Universal Fighting Engine** (or UFE) is a [[https://unity.com/|Unity]] toolkit to build your own fighting game using a variety of templates and easy-to-use editors.\\ Quick Play: [[http://ufe3d.com/play|ufe3d.com/play]] ---- {{ ::ufelogo-dalle_803x277.png |}} Unlock the potential of your creativity with this comprehensive fighting game toolkit for [[https://unity.com/|Unity Game Engine]], crafted to empower small enterprises and independent developers in developing their own real-time fighting games. Engineered around an **open-source**((Product also available in [[http://www.ufe3d.com/doku.php/prices|cheaper]] compiled versions)) framework and intuitive visual editors, this toolkit streamlines the game development process like never before. Delve into the intricate world of fighting game design, where even the minutest detail holds significance in achieving balance and precision. With Universal Fighting Engine (UFE), gain access to a robust fighting game engine, coupled with customizable data frames, user-friendly editor tools reminiscent of industry giants like Capcom, NetherRealm, and Namco. Elevate your creations to the caliber of iconic titles such as Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Tekken, and let your imagination run wild in the arena of game development.\\ Current Version: [[changelog|2.7.0]] **Universal Fighting Engine works under [[https://unity.com/|Unity]] framework. Requires Unity 2021((or Unity 2017+ if you own UFE Source)) or higher** {{ :intross2.jpg?nolink |}} ---- ===== Content Navigation ===== * [[download|Play Demo]] * [[:installation|Installation]] * [[:videotutorials|Video Tutorials]] * [[global:start|Global Editor]] * [[character:start|Character Editor]] * [[move:start|Move Editor]] * [[hitbox:start|Custom Hitbox Editor (2D Animation)]] * [[ai:start|A.I. Editor (Fuzzy AI)]] * [[:code|Coding with UFE (Advanced)]] * [[global:netcode|UFE 2 Netcode]] * [[mecanimcontrol|Mecanim Control]] * [[:changelog|Change Log]] * [[:upcomingfeatures|Upcoming Features]] * [[prices|Prices]] * [[https://discord.gg/hGMZhF7|Discord]] * [[https://www.patreon.com/mindstudios|Patreon]] * [[https://forum.unity.com/threads/universal-fighting-engine-2.541442/|Unity's official thread]] * [[http://www.ufe3d.com/forum/index.php|Forum]] ---- ===== Videos ===== For more videos visit [[https://www.youtube.com/c/Ufe3d|UFE's official youtube channel]].\\ {{ youtube>IoIAn5-bX-0?large }} **[[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlcOmi7_IKT240nsXCj2MfC6uKxubztjA|Tutorials]]:** {{youtube>Ty5-Ssk40sE}} {{youtube>eDSiBNlKipc}}\\ {{youtube>2q6HtL9L_GY}} {{youtube>aSiLFey9ImA}}\\ **[[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlcOmi7_IKT2Qw6jA8cQfB5GMXf6s9II3|Showcase]]:** {{youtube>ZgFw63_CPpE}} {{youtube>NdLrAaGmPyc}}\\ ---- ===== Features and Prices ===== Available on [[https://payhip.com/MindStudios|Payhip]] or Unity's [[https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/5345|Asset Store]] [[https://payhip.com/MindStudios|{{ :ufe2_prices.png?nolink |}}]] Payhip:\\ [[https://payhip.com/b/4yc6|Lite]] | [[https://payhip.com/b/XmaV|Basic]] | [[https://payhip.com/b/fTB2|Standard]] | [[https://payhip.com/b/a5fM|Pro]] | [[https://payhip.com/b/0z3c|Source]] Asset Store:\\ [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/126325|Lite]] | [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/126329|Basic]] | [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/126331|Standard]] | [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/125472|Pro]] | [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/126124|Source]] You can upgrade from version to version by just paying the difference at any time. For more information [[https://forum.unity.com/threads/universal-fighting-engine-2.541442/|click here]]. Help us keep the updates going! Visit our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/mindstudios ----