You have to open the global configuration file (UFE->UFE_config). There you can add your new character.
This may also help:
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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Posts by shubi
You have to open the global configuration file (UFE->UFE_config). There you can add your new character.
This may also help:
You have to change/add some lines of code to the IntroScript.cs.
Read the content of the input controller
AbstractInputController p1InputController = UFE.GetPlayer1Controller();
and create your menu-actions based on the input.
Look at the DoFixedUpdate()-part of the CharacterSelectionScript.cs, there it has been included.
Line 154-202
I would try to chhange the order of the onGUI function , but I don't get in wich line do the function draw the background could you tell me wich line is?
The background image is created by a GUITexture component linked to the CharacterSelectScreen-Prefab.
To integrate the background image into your OnGUI, you have to do the following steps:
At first, select the CharacterSelectScreen-Prefab and delete the "GUITexture"-Component in the inspector window.
Now open the CharacterSelectionScript.cs file and add the background.
1.) add a Texture2D-variable:
public Texture2D p2Overlay;
public Texture2D BackgroundImage;
2.) add the background image:
void OnGUI(){ = customSkin;
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height), BackgroundImage,ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
3.) select the Prefab again and choose a background image inside the inspector window:
Now you have your background image inside the OnGUI()-function and you can simply change the order of all the layers.
I don't know, if it is good to place such huge graphics inside the OnGUI(), but that's the way I did it for all our menu- and selectionscreens and it worked great.
Edit: This Bug was fixed in UFE Version 1.8.1
The Problem:
If you create a move and select a higher speed than "1" (faster than the original animation-file), you'll run into problems with cinematics. All the frames for particle-effects, sound effects and especially "Self Applied Forces" will be displaced. We created several throw-animations for our game (all with "Animation Speed" > 1) and were not able to receive clean cinematic-shots.
The reason is, that in the Move Editor you can only select 0-100% for the character speed at the cinematic-options:
But in the example shown in the first image, we would need a character speed" of 200% to match the settings in the animation options (= 2).
The Solution:
It's very easy. You simply have to change the limits for the slider in the move-editor. Open "MoveEditorWindow.cs" from the editor-folder and change the limits in line 1362/1363:
moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].myAnimationSpeed = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Character Animation Speed (%):", moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].myAnimationSpeed, 0, 100);
moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].opAnimationSpeed = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Opponent Animation Speed (%):", moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].opAnimationSpeed, 0, 100);
moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].myAnimationSpeed = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Character Animation Speed (%):", moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].myAnimationSpeed, 0, 400);
moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].opAnimationSpeed = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Opponent Animation Speed (%):", moveInfo.cameraMovements[i].opAnimationSpeed, 0, 400);
Now you're able to adjust the character speed in the cinematic-options to the speed of your animation:
The cinematic should work properly now.
Hope that helps
No, I used PNG-files. You can't use 3D-models infront of an interface created with OnGUI().
It's possible if you only use GUI-Textures or if you create a 2D/3D-mixed interface.
If you want to do so, here is a very helpful tutorial: … d-elements
Hi StriderSpinel
It's very easy: Simply change the order of the objects in the OnGUI-function in your CharacterSelectionScript.cs.
All elements inside the OnGUI-function will be drawn from back to top in their order. So start with your background image, then add the big portrait images and then add the GUI-group containing the character-grid.
Keep in mind, that you have to create a seperate imagefile for the grid's outline. You can't include that in your background image. So place that thing in an extra PNG/JPG-file.
Here is a work-in-progress image of our selection-screen:
hope that helps,
I think the fonts used by UFE are common bitmap fonts. You can create such fonts for example here:
Export as XML/PNG and inside Unity convert them with "CJFinc: Bitmap Font Tools". Works great.
I have the same problem when I try to create a new override move. The move-window freezes and I have to close it with Alt+F4.
My workaround is to duplicate and rename a move which already includes an override-definition (sample-throws).
Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Posts by shubi
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