I would like to know how to switch character outros (victory) moves in script? For example, I would like the character to have a different victory move if they won a round with less than half health bar
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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Posts by apollo
I would like to know how to switch character outros (victory) moves in script? For example, I would like the character to have a different victory move if they won a round with less than half health bar
I want to Gauge 1 to be completely empty in a specific challenge in Challenge Mode. How do I do that?
Is there a way to make the AI of the CPU harder as you progress in Storymode?
I get feedback that Control Freak 2's directional input (for mobile) has terrible lag. Is there a way to make it have a better response?
Is there a way to destroy an attacker's projectile (ex: Goku's Kamehameha beam) when they get hit?
What file(s) in UFE 2.6.0 are associated with "- Fixed issue where projectiles would collide with inactive assists"
I customized and Challenge mode text box with this code. I hope this can help you and others.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UFE3D;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class DefaultChallengeModeGUI: ChallengeMode {
public void OnGUI()
if (EngineManager.Logs_initialized) Debug.Log($"{nameof(EngineManager.instance.FindChallengeBox)} in {nameof(DefaultChallengeModeGUI)} GameBite");
if (!complete && !UFE.config.lockInputs && !UFE.config.lockMovements)
GUI.Box(new Rect(2000, 100, 250, 400), UFE.GetChallenge(currentChallenge).challengeName);
GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(3000, 130, 300, 400));
if (UFE.GetChallenge(currentChallenge).description == "%list%")
string newDesc = "";
int currAction = 0;
foreach (ActionSequence actionSeq in challengeActions)
string moveName = actionSeq.specialMove.moveName;
if (currentAction > currAction) moveName += " (DONE)";
newDesc += moveName + "\n";
if (EngineManager.Logs_initialized) Debug.Log($"{nameof(EngineManager.instance.CustomSettings)} in {nameof(DefaultChallengeModeGUI)} GameBite");
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 12000, 50, 70, 30), "Next Task"))
currentAction = challengeActions.Count;
protected override void startNextChallenge()
int selectedStage = 0;
if (currentChallenge == 0) selectedStage = 1; // First challenge = 0
I think I found it in FluxCapacitor.cs
In EndRound() I found
I set them to (false)
It didn't work. I attached this code to each of my character prefab. Is that where the code was supposed to be?
How can I prevent guage drain when the round ends? I want the guage's information to carry over to the next round
There's an easy way, duplicate the same character but dont have an animation for intro. Use that character in challenge mode
Assist characters zig zag fast across the screen when hit with a projectile. It appears as if it's a bug. Is there a way to prevent this in the script?
I'd like a create a strong camera shake throughout the entire battle on a stage.
I'd like to create the effect that characters are fighting during an earthquake.
Please advise
Thank you very much but I already had Stunned checked
Try adjusting the execution conditions under Move Editor -> Player Conditions on the move file where you have your assist call located.
For example, you can toggle "Stunned" under the Possible States window to have the move be usable while the character is stunned, or select "Down" as the State option if you want the move to be used when the character is knocked down.
If you don't want the stun animation to be interrupted, make sure you don't have any animation clip assigned to that move.
Thank you but Stun isn't listed as a Possible State for Player Conditions and I can't take out the Animation clip from the Animation setting in Move Editor
Throw reaction breaks my game. Whenever this bug occurs and you KO the opponent to end the round, the game doesn't go to the next round nor can you go to pause. I can't figure out why this is happening.
It was hard for me to replicate it until now.
This happens to allow of my characters when they execute a throw or are being thrown; but this happens at random times and error messages do not show up in Unity.
What could cause a throw reaction to crash a game?
Thank you! I will give it a try!
Thank you but where would I set the z-index to 0?
I'd like to know how to identify that a character is in Idle and when it's in Idle set its Z-index in script.
Thank you
Is there a way to shut off hitboxes for both characters after KO?
Basically, I'd like to the winner to be able to stand over the defeated open. It's not necessarily possible because the Victory move don't have to have hitboxes but the attack moves before it have hitboxes.
Hello, some my attacks cause strong camera and player shakes. Sometimes these attacks causes a KO and the game is still shaking into the next round.
How can I shut off camera shake at the start of a new round.
expanding your hitbox to reach the ground works for me
My game breaks unexpectedly when a throw reaction goes bad. No error message explains what happened in the Unity Editor and the bug happens randomly.
Is there a way to restart a round or the entire match when the game crashes?
Is there a way to disable character intro moves during challenge mode? I would prefer the characters be in Idle at the start of each Challenge.
This issue was p#ssing me off and I had to delay the release of my game for months.
I had to resort to created transparent projectiles to fix this issue.
I'll personally try this solution!
Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Posts by apollo
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