(6 replies, posted in UFE 1 (Deprecated))

Hi, I also have the same problem.

This only occurs when there is a character select menu. The value that keep changing is the Canvas Pos Y value. The Pos Y value fluctuate  between 7.9877** and 7.988**

The Canavs Pos X,Y,Z values in character select menu are different from other menus.
In character select menu, pos X = 0 , pos Y = between 7.9877** and 7.988**, pos Z = -31.90075
When resize the game window in character select menu, the pos X,Y,Z value do not change.
When resize the game window in other menu, the pos X and Y change value while pos Z always remain 0.

I also notice the width or height value when there is decimal are also different in character select  vs other menu. The difference in value is around 0. something.

Thanks for the help.

Thanks. I am still a beginner in scripting but I will try the script later.

I have try animating the weapon bone without parenting it to the hand. But it didn't work.

I am having a character that hold a weapon on one hand. However only works on one side. When player change side. The character attacks with the opposite hand that is not holding the weapon.

Can this be solve?

Thank you.

Yes, I have tried resetting the input settings which turn the input setting to unity standard setting. I then reload with the UFE setting. However they does not reflect on the published build.

What I am worry about is that if someone else play the published build and make this mistake. I will not able to help them to recover from it. If any UFE game made commerical, this potentially can be a big problem.

I even try to start another UFE project that have no relationship with the current one. I make a build from it and it still use the same setting as before. So this may means that it will not only affect the UFE game that have problematic setting but all other UFE game running on the computer.

Hi, I was configuring the input setting after I build my game. At the bottom of the list there are setting call "Up", "Right", "Up", "Right". I have only one joystick and I use it to set those setting. Later which I realize that the bottom "Up" "Right" is for a second joystick. This causes both player to be control by joystick 1 and I don't have a second joystick to correct the setting. I cannot find anyway to change or reset the setting. Every new build will still be using the same setting. This however does not affect when running the game in unity editor.

Is there a way to reset or change the setting manually? I tried resetting the input manager and reloading the input manager but it doesn't work. Thank you.