Im having the same issue. I imported the characters and built them up from scratch. I will play around with it and see if I can find where the problem resides.
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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Posts by chameleoncreations
Im having the same issue. I imported the characters and built them up from scratch. I will play around with it and see if I can find where the problem resides.
Does UFE Support Non Humanoid character rigs? If so what are the steps to importing and setting them up? Specifically I would like to add a mech type character to my game.
So after making a few modifcations to the character select screen, after selecting my character the game loads to a black screen and I get this error message in the
"NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CameraScript.Start () (at Assets/UFE/Engine/Scripts/Core/Camera/CameraScript.cs:31)"
I noticed that the camera script is not populating
This is the code snippet I added
//JUSTIN CHANGE END: Add Character Customization
// Initialize Player 1 Character
FPVector p1Pos = UFE.config.selectedStage.position;
p1Pos.x += UFE.config.roundOptios._p1XPosition;
//JUSTIN CHANGE BEGIN: Add Character Customization
ControlsScript cScript1 = SpawnCharacter(UFE.config.player1Character, 1, -1, p1Pos, false, null, null, Player1AlternateCostumeIndex);
//JUSTIN CHANGE END: Add Character Customization
UFE.cameraScript.player1 = cScript1.transform;
If you notice the camerascript is untouched. Im not sure where I am going wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm running UFE2 Source and Unity ver. 2019.1.1f1
Another winner! Thanks so much.
My goal is to create a jump button in place of the placing up on the directional pad. Is there a way to swap the inputs?
Easy breezy. Your suggestion worked flawlessly thank you. You are the man!!!!
I want the character to turn and run by pressing back on the anolog/dpad and the run button. Regarding the animation its a standard run animation.
I've been trying to set my characters up to run in either direction but im not able to pull it off. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have UFE 2 it something that needs to be coded?
So I currently have my project currently running in Unity 2018.2..I purchased UFE 2 Source and want to port my project over to this new version. I understand their is a Upgrade tool.
I have Unity 2018.3.1 installed and have ported my project over to that version of Unity. So my first question, How do I update without taking out all my scripts? ( I am working from a copy of my actual game)
The directions say
Step 1: Running UFE Auto Update
One of the key changes made to the code is the use of Fixed Point (Fix64), a format that replaces all uses of float throughout the code. This update copies all serialized Floats and Vectors to a new similar declaration.
To run the auto update, right click on one of your UFE files (Global , Character or Move) from the project tab and select “UFE 2.0 → Update All Definitions”. This will automatically assign all the new variables (including nested files).
So step one has me a little lost
Just purchased the UFE 2 Source. My previous version of Unity had tons of mods...any tips before we start the upgrade process?
Unfortunately we still have not found a resolution for this issue. Still looking for suggestions.
Looks like we found the was in the Physics script. We were able to patch the problem but it only works if the players transform Y position is at 0. Just allowing the player Y position to go beyond or below 0
when the player goes beyond or below 0, this is when the player breaks and the stun feature stops working causing the player to immediately fall once they are hit.
It seems like every hit is adding at least 1 point on vertical force.
There is a code segment inside ControlsScript.GetHit that checks if the character is over their crumple limit. If they are, pushForce.y is set to 1 so the character instantly falls down:if (consecutiveCrumple > UFE.config.comboOptions.maxConsecutiveCrumple) { isKnockDown = true; airHit = true; pushForce.y = 1; }
Look and see if you changed any of those conditions.
Thanks for the response. I checked the snippet of code that you suggested and it has not been modified. Do you have any other suggestions?
The stun feature is not functioning properly. We made modifications to the Physics script and the control script but we are unable to figure out how we broke this feature. Any suggestions would be great as we've hit a dead on on figuring this problem out. I've attached a video for interested parties to check out. The problem is not matter how light the hit is the character falls to the floor once hit.
Right. We fixed that problem. But that resulted in a few other issues like the missing animation for the floor drop and the stun feature seems to be broken.
I am having an issue with your physics system. When a player character is below the world position 0 on the y axis, the jump animations stop functioning correctly. We have edited the physics script "IsGrounded()" and "ForceGrounded()" functions
to add the ability to move vertically. These work correctly when the player is at 0 in its Y position. But when we move to the player vertically(Invoking a fall) the animations freeze or stop functioning properly all together. Using a ramp only stops the jump animation from functioning correctly.
My character no longer stay in the stunned state after a hit. They immediately fall to the ground. Not sure what we unchecked or modified. I know without knowing what we modified in the code its going to be hard to help out with a resolution but any suggestions on what to look for would be helpful.
So im trying to create two bounce moves:
1. Wall bounce move: It's more like a wall slam where they hit the edge of the camera and are bounced forward back in to the opponent.
2. A floor bounce: after a specific hit the go face first into the floor and bounce up back into the opponent.
What's the best way to go about this?
We've made serious changes to UFE like adding destructible environments the ability to walk on uneven terrains. All we really want is the online multiplayer installment. Will UFE 1.X get the multiplayer update or will that just be for 2.0? I think you answered this question but I will ask anyway, if I've already paid for UFE source will I get a discount for the source version of 2.0? Last question is are you guys still on schedule for your July release of the update?
I believe you can increase the shake intensity under each move. You can also globally effect the intensity by going to hit options under the global config. There you should be able to create a custom hit effect...and I imagine you could play around with it a bit to get the desired effect.
Looks like it was a simple fix. Actually i'm a little embarrassed but hey sometimes we over look the simple. Under the global editor - then input options- scroll down to where P1Start option under player one input. The field marked C-Input default Key, type in "Return" with a capital R. For some reason Enter/Submit returns a error.
Hope this helps.
So I ran into a slight issue. After replacing the Unity input manager with C-input I no longer can access the pause screen. I've checked the input manager in the inspector and I've also verified the Input type is correct under the Input options in the Ufe global config. I'm not quite sure what I could be doing wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions?
The specialmoves screen uses the DefaultuUFEScreen that what I am supposed to modify instead of the Defaultmovescreenscript? Or do I add a defaultmovemenuscreenscript to the Specialsmovescreen?
Anyone else having issues with the Horizontal Axis? More specifically the "A" button when used for the right button for player one does not work at all accept for the right arrow button.
What I've tried:
changing back to unity input works.
Using control freak works
Anyone having a issue with Horizontal Axis? looks like all my other functions work but the P1 right function.
Universal Fighting Engine Forum → Posts by chameleoncreations
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