Figured it out but want to share for anyone in the future.
So first of all I added a public array of MoveInfo to StageOptions.cs
Then went to GlobalEditorWindow.cs and added the following code to the end of the stageOptions group (Looks ugly but I was having trouble using panels).
stageHitBoxesToggle = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(stageHitBoxesToggle, "Stage Hitboxes (" + globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes.Length + ")", foldStyle);
if (stageHitBoxesToggle)
for (int h = 0; h < globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes.Length; h++)
globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes[h] = (MoveInfo)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes[h], typeof(MoveInfo));
if (SmallButton("Delete Hitbox"))
globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes = RemoveElement<MoveInfo>(globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes, globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes[h]);
if (StyledButton("New Hitbox"))
globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes = AddElement<MoveInfo>(globalInfo.stages[i].hitBoxes, null);
Next I went to Projectile.cs and added a public variable called neutral
Then added this line to MoveEditorWindow.cs to be able to toggle it
moveInfo.projectiles[i].neutral = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Effects Both Players", moveInfo.projectiles[i].neutral);
The penultimate step was spawning said hitboxes in MatchManager.cs by stealing the code from ControlScript.cs and spawning them in the Start and NewRound functions
void SpawnHitBoxes()
int projCount = 0;
foreach (MoveInfo hitbox in UFE.config.selectedStage.hitBoxes)
foreach (Projectile projectile in hitbox.projectiles)
projectile.casted = true;
FPVector newPos =;
newPos += UFE.config.selectedStage.position;
string uniqueId;
GameObject pTemp;
if (projectile.fixedZAxis) newPos.z = 0;
if (projectile._duration > 0)
long durationFrames = (int)FPMath.Round(projectile._duration * UFE.config.fps);
uniqueId = + UFE.currentFrame + projCount;
pTemp = UFE.SpawnGameObject(projectile.projectilePrefab, newPos.ToVector(), Quaternion.identity, durationFrames, true, uniqueId);
uniqueId = + UFE.currentFrame + projCount;
pTemp = UFE.SpawnGameObject(projectile.projectilePrefab, newPos.ToVector(), Quaternion.identity, null, true, uniqueId);
Vector3 newRotation = projectile.projectilePrefab.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
newRotation.z = projectile.directionAngle;
pTemp.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newRotation);
ProjectileMoveScript projectileMoveScript = (ProjectileMoveScript)pTemp.GetComponent(typeof(ProjectileMoveScript));
if (projectileMoveScript == null)
projectileMoveScript = pTemp.AddComponent<ProjectileMoveScript>();
projectileMoveScript.fpTransform = pTemp.AddComponent<FPTransform>();
projectileMoveScript.fpTransform.position = newPos + new FPVector(projectile._castingOffSet.x, projectile._castingOffSet.y, projectile._castingOffSet.z); = projectile; =;
projectileMoveScript.myControlsScript = UFE.GetControlsScript(1);
projectileMoveScript.transform.position = newPos.ToVector();
foreach (ControlsScript controls in UFE.GetAllControlsScripts())
Finally in the fixed update function of ProjectileMoveScript.cs I simply copy and pasted the collision check so that if the projectile is neutral it also checks myControlscript for projectiles
if (data.neutral)
blockableAreaIntersect = myControlsScript.CheckBlockableAreaContact(blockableArea, mirror > 0);
if (data.projectileCollision) IsCollidingProjectile(myControlsScript);
foreach (ControlsScript opAssist in myControlsScript.assists)
if (data.projectileCollision) IsCollidingProjectile(opAssist);
Edit: double checked my steps forgot to mention that in the UFEStart function of ProjectileMoveScript.cs I changed the call so that neutral projectiles weren't added to myControlScript.projectiles since I already added it in the MatchManager.
if (!data.neutral && !myControlsScript.projectiles.Contains(this))
Also wanted to say I did not optimize this so there is likely better ways of doing this so feel free to make improvements