Topic: Why is 3D Arena & 3D Fighter different?

Do you need to setup character files differently for both 3D arena and 3D Fighter folder? Why isn't there a tutorial on how to setup characters for 3D fighter and arena?

is the solution that you duplicate the character file from 2D fighter folder and change the first parameter "Gameplay type" to 3D for it to work for 3D?


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Re: Why is 3D Arena & 3D Fighter different?

Changing gameplay type will expose different options in UFE's editors. You just need to assign the correct fields and tweak options in the character file.

Tutorials require time, effort and having a good knowledge of the subject.
I personally like written tutorials best since they can be tweaked and updated later.

UFE comes with a template for every gameplay mode.
You can duplicate files for the correct gameplay type you want.


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