Topic: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Suggestion here... Since Mike comes in legacy format it's quite a chore to make his anims retargetable.  I've done that and basically made a humanoid Mike character with all his anims converted over.  I think it would be nice to include this for others as it broadens the reuseable anims available with UFE out of the box.  I of course would never share what's not mine to share.  I'm happy to provide these back to the devs if they don't have their own in humanoid form.  smile


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

this would be great, there was quite a few animations would've lucked to be able to use from mike's moveset
can be a bit of a deterrent for those just getting started, though we had to move on, would still love
to have these in humanoid form

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

I currently have my humanoid copy of the 1.6 version, just a few tweeks and I could get it up to the 1.7 move set. But again it's not mine to share, I'm happy to give it back to the devs if they want or even need it for that matter.
If anyone is interested in doing it themselves I used this asset to convert the clips to humanoid:!/content/16899

It has a recent change (suggested by yours truly) that allows you to convert multiple clips at once so it's much easier now. Could have saved me a ton of tedium. I have to say it's an awesome asset. Love me some Skele.


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

is the tool, as easy as most file converters, hoping so, could really use those animations

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

5 (edited by christougher 2016-05-05 00:52:25)

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

I havn't used it in a while, and I made a lot of mistakes along the way (with most everything I do it seems!) It wasn't too incredibly complicated, just time comsuming to convert the anims one by one, export as a dae, reimport, rename each one from "Take 01", set up as humanoid and set the new anims into duplicate UFE move files.  I messed up some settings and ended up doing it all over 2 or 3 times to get it running right.  I've yet to use the tool since it's been improved but should be WAY quicker to do them all.

Edit-  I've sent MisterMind an email asking him if he's not opposed to sharing this. … NCng47imhU

Here's a vid of the older way to convert a clip 

Edit (again) Just fired up the DAE exporter from Skele and it works SOOOOO much better and again removes 90% of the tedium.  Here's the steps I followed after of course importing Skele asset

Window-- Skele--Dae exporter
Dragged in the Mike prefab into the TOP GO field then click autofind,
scroll down the window and add ALL the anim clips (trust me, all of them)

Now the folder where you export them will have a base Mike DAE with a bunch of smaller Anim DAEs.  Import ALL of them, especially the Mike DAE.  Go to the Mike DAE set it as humanoid, Apply and then notice the "update reference clips" option that appears.  Click that and ALL of your anims are now humanoid.


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

wow...seems easy enough...if mistermind doesn't get back about the share, I may srriously purchase the tool...thanks a lot bro!

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Here's a newer video of the updated version.


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

battlemasterz wrote:

wow...seems easy enough...if mistermind doesn't get back about the share, I may srriously purchase the tool...thanks a lot bro!

To be completely honest I no longer have original files to the animation. They were made very early on during UFE production and I no longer have contacts with the animator that made them.

However I'm sure there are plenty of animators right now on the Asset Store that are making very similar (if not better) animations then that. KristopherPeterson is a great animator and he has been doing this for a while. Maybe he would be interested in making (and selling) the standard "shotokan" animations.

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9 (edited by christougher 2016-05-06 16:13:17)

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Right but I'm saying I have them converted back into humanoid format already if you want to include it in maybe ufe source or bundle or something... I've set up the character and move files as well. The whole character, as seen in this vid, recognize Man-at-Arm's base moves anyone?


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

christougher wrote:

Right but I'm saying I have them converted back into humanoid format already if you want to include it in maybe ufe source or bundle or something... I've set up the character and move files as well. The whole character, as seen in this vid, recognize Man-at-Arm's base moves anyone?

Ah I see. Well feel free to share those with the community smile

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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

yes! I will be first in line!, lol

thanks guys!

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Here you go!  I sincerely hope the community finds use for this! … ckage?dl=0

I haven't checked this against the 1.7 version but I don't think much if anything has changed.  If anyone notices any problems or anything missing feel free to post.


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

I downloaded it, thanks!

what would be the next step in using this?

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Just import into your ufe project. Pay attention to the folder path. It's all set up already. The _MikeHumanoid asset is a copy of the Mike character asset but has all the moves linked to humanoid versions of the animations.


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

got it working, thanks so much!

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

unfortuantely had to restart my project, now when trying to assign an animation...the mike humanoid moves don't become available...any advice?

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

17 (edited by christougher 2016-11-08 00:46:55)

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Dunno, not sure why that could be. I don't think the updates broke anything, but I hadn't actually done any UFE work in quite a while since I'm trying to get my other game published.  I mostly just troll the forums. Have you reimported my package?  Where exactly is the issue?


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

its saying i need to assign a valid script?

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

in the inspector tab, it says its missing a mono script?

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

What version of unity and what version of UFE ?


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

Unity= 5.4.2

UFE= 1.8.0

thanks for answeringvback

"Battle Hard" - Trilateral

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

I just imported it using 5.4.0 and UFE 1.8.0 and it works fine.  I did notice however that the prefab and avatar I had set up in the character file were for a separate model not included in the package.  Perhaps try assigning a humanoid prefab along with it's avatar??? Otherwise I don't know what could be wrong.  I didn't actually include a humanoid prefab of Mike himself. Sorry hmm


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Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

this would be great

there was quite a few animations would've lucked to be able to use from mike's moveset can be a bit of a deterrent for those just getting started,

though we had to move on, would still love to have these in humanoid form


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24 (edited by christougher 2021-10-15 05:45:38)

Re: Mike's animation in humanoid format...

The download link is in post #12


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