Topic: animation transition from crouch to stand unsmooth and jerky
When you go to the full crouch position and release back to the stand it has a smooth transition between the animations as expected.
But when you go only partially to crouch and release before it has fully reached the crouch position then you can see a very unsmooth animation. It happens very fast in order to name the reason exactly, but it looks as if the transition would not start from the current pose (bones/transforms rotation) but from the final crouch position.
- this unsmooth transition is even worse when your character has clothes like a coat, which in fighting games are pretty common, so all the cloth blows up in the air
- it can happen pretty often because it is not only used for crouch, but also in button combinations as [Down, Forword, Punch]
What's the reason for this behaviour and how can this get fixed (2.4 pro) ?