Topic: Visual Damage System
Hey guys.. after playing games like MKX and Injustice, I would love to see something like this make it into UFE. I'll give an example:
Through the course of battle I want my models to get dirty and have things like cuts and bruises (either through material switching or prefab swapping) to show based on how badly they are getting beaten. In UFE, this could be controlled by how many hits it will take to change the visual state of the model's textures and materials. We could limit this to three states of damage.
Level 1 the model is clean.
Level 2 you'll start to see dirt, blood, swelling and some cuts.
Level 3, your model is seriously f**ked up visually.
If this is done via prefabs, I can model swelling on the models faces through blendshapes.
(I would use Substances for this but I'm limited to 2k textures)