Topic: UX improvements
Hi, i would like to suggest if possible, a few things related to user experience that would make setting up game a pleasure (some of the things probably have been already suggested though)
1. Custom move sets (stance) editor that will allow you to edit move sets in a separate window as you edit a "Move" file or a "Character".
-> currently you have a 3 step process - select a character, open Move Sets, click on Load Stance to make a single edit. The current editor closes on every Play enter which makes it a tedious and time consuming process.
2. Sticky panel with the "Apply" and "Close" buttons. Having a sticky panel will allow to Apply changes much easier and you wont forget to click apply that often as well : D
-> If you have a long list of moves added to the list, you have to scroll a lot in order to get to the Apply button.
3. Special Moves list filters by move tag like "Dashes", "Kicks", Punches", "Specials" etc. with the option to click on a button and edit the Move Group Tag at any point and thus having the visibility of the element right away. Filters are generated based on what you enter in the move tag field like in the image
-> This will make the move list edit much easier in case you have a lot of moves
Image regarding points 2 and 3
4. Edit all Basic Moves and Special Moves ( move files ) at runtime and preview the changes (that has probably been suggested before)
-> Currently when you make a single change, every time you have to enter Play mode, load a game and try your changes as most of the changes do not apply at runtime which is to much time consuming process.
5. Improve "Move" and "Global" settings editors with grouping and adding icons like in the image
-> it is too hard to always look for a group, for example "Chain Moves". Logically grouping of the sub editors, adding colored labels and icons in the foldouts will make it easy to navigate and find what you need.
6. Make all EditorGUILayout.Foldout(s) being able to open/close by allowing to click on labels also. This is simply adding one "true" parameter to the functions (Already tested and it works great)
-> Currently we have to click the small arrows all the time which a bit annoying
7. Add tooltips to fields as documentation is outdated this will help speed up development especially when you forgot what some setting does
- > Currenly you only can open documentation ( which is great ) but it is misses some settings and you have to search through the page to find a single setting description