Topic: cancel route group A to B

At this point, is it possible to add functionality that would somehow chain group A to group B movements?
Setting the motion cancellation route is too complicated. . .


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Re: cancel route group A to B

Can you provide screenshots of what you think can be improved?


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Re: cancel route group A to B

Assuming that there are level 1, level 2, and level 3 skill groups,
how about making it possible to chain to skill groups with higher numbers?
For example, from level 1 to “level 2 and level 3”.  From level 2, you can chain to “level 3 onwards”.


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4 (edited by Ringout 2022-11-30 15:15:29)

Re: cancel route group A to B

By this I assume you mean magic series. Is my assumption correct?


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Re: cancel route group A to B

Um...My idea is perhaps like it.

The image I thought are like "MeltyBlood" and "Tales of series(action RPG)".

In any case,"Cancel Group" make setting cancel route be very confortable.


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