immortalfray wrote:This looks amazing. How did you create the teleportation effect for the guy in the second match(fighting the japanese robot girl)?
as UFE has no change position feature i did the trick with self applied forces:
First, the animation makes the characters turn super small and go bellow floor level, this doesn't conflict with the Ground plane, as this is just animation and we are not really moving the center of the character, just pretending it.

I also add some invincible frames at the start of the move.

Then i add a self applied force, a fairle strong one, here's 35X (it's very important to check the reset x and y velocity) and just a couple of frames later, give it a sudden stop, in this case putting 0 in x velocity, and 30Y as the character makes a uppercut (again, checking the velocity reset).
this creates the illusion of a teleport, and at this time in the animation the character has regained his normal size.

for example, for the FIERCE version of this moves, i just make him move a bit further, making X velocity 50, using exactly the same animation and setup.

hope it helps!
Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.