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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → UFE 1 Source (Deprecated) → Combine cinema director and ufe3d for better cutscenes [tutorial]
Ok so what I did was I took the example scene from cinema director and parented everything in that hierarchy into an empty gameobject. Then I saved that as a prefab. Doing this to every cutscene you make with cinema director should work no problem (in theory).
then I made StoryModeVideoScreen.cs look as such (I mainly changed things in the LoadMovie Ienumerator)
using CinemaDirector;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class StoryModeVideoScreen : StoryModeScreen {
#region public class properties
public static readonly string Data = "%Data%";
public static readonly string Persistent = "%Persistent%";
public static readonly string StreamingAssets = "%StreamingAssets%";
public static readonly string Temp = "%Temp%";
#region public instance properties
//public MovieTexture movie;
public GameObject CSprefab;
private Cutscene cs;
GameObject clone;
// The name of the video file in the StreamingAssets folder
public bool skippable = true;
public bool stopMusicImmediatelyAfterSkippingVideo = true;
public bool stopVideoImmediatelyAfterSkippingVideo = true;
public float delayBeforePlayingVideo = 0.05f;
public float delayAfterSkippingVideo = 0.05f;
public override void OnShow (){
base.OnShow ();
public override void OnShow (){
base.OnShow ();
public override void OnShow (){
base.OnShow ();
this.transform.parent = null;
this.transform.localPosition =;
this.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
this.transform.localScale =;
protected virtual IEnumerator LoadMovie(){
clone = Instantiate(CSprefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
cs = clone.GetComponentInChildren<Cutscene>();
// Assign the movie to a GUITexture...
GUITexture guiTexture = this.GetComponent<GUITexture>();
if (guiTexture == null){
guiTexture = this.gameObject.AddComponent<GUITexture>();
//AudioClip audio = movie.audioClip;
//guiTexture.pixelInset = new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height);
//guiTexture.texture = movie;
// Wait the min delay before starting playing the video
if (this.delayBeforePlayingVideo > 0){
guiTexture.color =;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(this.delayBeforePlayingVideo);
guiTexture.color = Color.white;
// Wait until we have enough information to start playing the movie...
while (CSprefab == null){
yield return null;
// When we're ready to start playing the image, resize the texture
//guiTexture.pixelInset = new Rect(0.5f * Screen.width, 0.5f * Screen.height, 0f, 0f);
// Start playing the movie
while (cs.state == Cutscene.CutsceneState.Inactive) { yield return null; }
// We need to enable the sound during the duration of the movie because it doesn't matter the user settings,
// we want him to hear the AudioClip. However, we need to play this sound as music because Unity won't allow
// us to play streamed audio as SoundFX (Unity doesn't throw an error, but the AudioClip isn't played).
Camera.main.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = false;
bool musicEnabled = UFE.GetMusic();
bool musicLooped = UFE.IsMusicLooped();
float musicVolume = UFE.GetMusicVolume();
AudioClip clip = UFE.GetMusicClip();
// After the video finish, restore the original audio settings.
while(cs.state == Cutscene.CutsceneState.Playing && !(cs.IsSkippable && Input.anyKeyDown)){ yield return null; }
// Check if the video has been skipped. In that case, wait for the "delay after skipping video" time.
if (cs.state == Cutscene.CutsceneState.Playing && this.delayAfterSkippingVideo > 0f){
if (this.stopMusicImmediatelyAfterSkippingVideo){
if (this.stopVideoImmediatelyAfterSkippingVideo){
Camera.main.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
print("killing the cutscene");
guiTexture.color =;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(this.delayAfterSkippingVideo);
// If we haven't done it yet, stop the video, the audio and free the used memory
print("were done");
Camera.main.GetComponent<AudioListener>().enabled = true;
// Finally, restore the original audio settings...
// And go to the next screen
if you have trouble exposing the state from Cutscene.cs inside cinema director, what I did was just change that from private to public. so that should do it.
How can i use this cinema director cut scene in player intro ?
Universal Fighting Engine Forum → UFE 1 Source (Deprecated) → Combine cinema director and ufe3d for better cutscenes [tutorial]
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