Topic: Got this almost working help needed-Finishing Move/Fatality Toggle
So I have this in my editor now
If checked this should make the move only work on the winning round of a match.
There is what I got so far inside MovesetScript.cs
private bool cankill(int winningRound)
winningRound = UFE.config.roundOptions.totalRounds - 2;
if (controlsScript.roundsWon < (UFE.config.roundOptions.totalRounds * (winningRound / UFE.config.currentRound))) return false;
return true;
So the issue is the above code by looking at it should only work for player 1 but it also works for player 2. I have tried using
" controlsScript.opControlsScript.roundsWon " but it does the samething. I have also tried using " controlsScript.playernum == 1 && " at the beginning but if Player 2 wins a match the move is enabled for Player 1. Also tried including this " opControlsScript = opponent.GetComponent<ControlsScript>(); " but it had no effect to obtain Player 2's roundsWon.
So if anyone can point me in the right direction on how to get the roundsWon for Player 1 and 2 I will repost this as a tutorial and/or include it with my Life check gauge condition tutorial. … e_Legends/
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