BLOWING UP SOME STEAM (no pun intended)
No indeed, as Steam is by far quite a friendly platform to publish, save for the facts a lot of it's users are quite rude, nowadays, that's the way of the world in a lot of spaces i think. Recently, steam announced that the 32 bit applications for mac won't be available on steam as the new OS is hitting mac computers, so, we need to update... fast!
I've been working on Combate Monero almost two years now, i worked on tzompantli for 4 years... and the updates in platforms and engines are so ridiculously fast, most of the time i can't keep up. Just got an android version of Combate running and the play store told me "sorry, that unity version is old and the API number is 25 when it should be 26" basically all my work wen't to waste as for the new api i have to update the unity, and that means update UFE, and my 1.8.6 UFE is heavily modified (with help from my brother and this forums) and the update process is posible, but is a bit tedious and slow... i've been working a lot on this game, and when i try to push it little more, something is holding me back, and it really makes me angry. I'm sincerely thinking about only updating the windows version and abandon the mac and ANDROID ports, and start a new project fresh with a new UFE, but i don't have the energy or resources to do all over again.
well, that's what's on my mind right now, just needed to blow put some steam. Thanks!
Me encontraste en un negro camino como un peregrino sin rumbo ni fe, pero la luz de tus ojos divinos cambió mi suerte por dicha y placer.