Topic: Attack animations not playing

I'm trying to create a character with some basic moves and attack moves. Created 5 move files with animations then added them to attack moves in character editor along with couple of basic moves as shown in tutorial video. Currently using "Legacy" animation type. Cross checked with settings in Legacy_Mike demo character. Also did animation preview in move editor for all attack animations everything works fine.
When I play,  idle combat stance animation playing and walk forward / backward playing as well. That is all basic moves are working. But when I select a key(any key) assigned for attacks it freezes with first frame showing then nothing happens  no error(s) or exception. I did all debugging that I know but could not figure why it freeze. Can anybody show some light on this bug. Any suggestion / solution is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Attack animations not playing

Are you using the models and animations bundled with UFE, or your own?

Have you assigned the correct character prefab in each move file?

Ive seen it freeze when I forget to set all my hitboxes up too.


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Re: Attack animations not playing

I'm using my own model and animations. Yes each move file assigned to same prefab with all hitboxes.


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Re: Attack animations not playing

Just an FYI.  The prefab assigned in the Move Editor should be irrelevant in this case.  That's just for the move's animation preview.  You can put any move onto any character, as long as it's using the same animation type (Legacy or Mecanim).  So don't worry about that, it can be blank and the move should still work.

If you haven't already done this, start by just adding one of your moves to an existing UFE character.  Since you're using Legacy animation, I'd use Mike.  See if Mike is able to perform the move.  You can assign it to a new command/button or just remove Mike's old move that shares the same command.  This is just to test that there's nothing wrong with your move.  I'd slowly add each move one at a time to test.

If you have done the above and it works, your character prefab might be the problem.  Try assigning it into an existing working UFE character (use one with the same animation type).  If you get the same error, it's the character prefab that's the problem.  Most likely, it's missing or doubling up on a hitbox.  So go through and make sure the hitboxes are set up correctly and you have what's required for your moves to work (i.e., if a move has a hurtbox assigned to Left Foot but you haven't got a hitbox on Left Foot, then it won't work).

Another time I see similar errors is when you do a move, say Heavy Punch, but Heavy Punch has a blank Linked move.  So ensure you don't have any empty Links, that will cause problems.


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Re: Attack animations not playing

The animations are also mecanim But the problem is this the length of animations are somehow long 60 to 80 fps.
half animation is playing remaining half not played so what I did I try to increase the speed of animation but still not working ???
Thanks a lot.


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