I'm actually working on a more universal InputScript that will allow for an easier script approach, but in essence, this is what the loop does:
Inside the loop you will notice lines such as these:
if (Input.GetAxisRaw(inputRef.inputButtonName) > 0) {
These are a direct call to the standard Input Manager from Unity. The loop is basically just browsing through every input registered into the Global Editor - Input Options and checking if any of them were triggered.
Originally, these inputs are set by default into the InputManager file provided with the package, and they can be edited here.
As for cInput, if I'm not mistaken you can simply replace every "Input." under ControlsScript.cs with "cInput.", given that cInput also have methods such as GetButton and GetAxisRaw (If it does not have GetAxisRaw, you can change those to GetAxis).
Now, cInput probably has its own system to name a specific button reference so it can detect which button was pressed. In that case, you will probably also have to edit the input references set on the Input Options so it matches the references under cInput.
In other words, if you have something like cInput.GetButton("buttonA"), you have to make sure that "buttonA" is also listed under the Input Options on UFE.
PS: Im not entirely sure how the methods inside cInput are, but you can still follow a similar pattern if you want to change the input class. any reference to the Input class is inside that loop, and all its string references are inside the Input Options.
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