Topic: Change stage on round change

Hello fellas, I'm a new user into UFE Forum and I'm trying to change stages when you won/lose a round aganist a opponent (Fatal Fury / King of Fighters style), I tried editing BattleGUI script sentences but nothing has worked, can anyone help me?


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Re: Change stage on round change
A custom script could probably work
Prehaps OnRoundBegins would help here.


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Re: Change stage on round change

Ok so, how can I attach my custom script into the 'Game' prefab UFE generates during battles?


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Re: Change stage on round change

What I reccomend doing, is putting all your assets your want in that stage, and enable/disable objects at the start of the round depending on the current round.
1. put all your objects for your each stage version into a single scene or prefab.
2. For each object in the stage that you want to change based on round, parent them to empty objects based on the round they appear in.
3. Create an empty gameobject, and a new script. I will refer to this script as "stageRoundManager".
4. in stageRoundManager, create a gameobject array, and put all your round based props in the array.
5. in your script, subscribe to ufe OnRoundBegins.
6. In OnRoundBegins, write a foreach loop that will disable all your round based prop objects. Then, enable the round based prop objects with the index of (roundNumber-1).
7. Don't forget to delete the unused update and start functions, and unsubscribing to the event with the onDisabled function.


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Re: Change stage on round change

Care to make a videotutorial and/or image based tutorial?

I mean as image based tutorial to explain the steps along with screenshots of the script, I'm kinda newbie on scripting definitions


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Re: Change stage on round change

NVM, I figured out how to change the backgrounds and it's going pretty swell

TYSM Ringout and FreedTerror! See you around all forums!


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