Topic: Pause Menu not working

I'm trying to activate the pause menu from the game controller.  I'm using the Unity input system, and I started from UFE's default input setup.  When I run the game, I can open the menu using either the space bar or the return key.  I opened the input settings to change those to controller buttons. 

The UFE default input settings had one entry for Menu and two entries for Submit.  I assumed I needed to change one of those.  However, nothing I changed any of those entries to made a difference.  Out of desperation, I tried clearing all of the fields in the Menu and Submit input options.  That didn't change anything either.  I could still open the Pause menu with either the space bar or the return key.  After that, I tried deleting the Menu and Submit input entries.  I ran into a lot of exceptions at the main menu because it appeared to look for those.

All of the other input controls seem to work fine.  I can map all of the player moves to the controller buttons I want.  And I can use the controller to navigate the main menu.  I just have no way of opening the Pause menu from within the game.

It seems to be acting as if the controls to the Pause menu are hardcoded.  Is that the case?  How can I fix this?


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Re: Pause Menu not working

Under the Unity menu Edit -> Project Settings -> Input Manager, look for P1Start and P2Start definitions and change the "Alt Positive" button to the relative Start button on your controller.

Each controller is different, so you need to find the right button that represents the "Start" button on your game controller. (Notice in the screenshot how "P1Button1" Alt Positive Button is set to "joystick button 0").

If you want a better Input system I recommend looking into the third party options.

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