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Universal Fighting Engine Forum → General → Cannot open file
This could be related to the "file ID" issue that can happen when updating versions. Here, check this video:
On 9:07 Etra explains how you can fix this by manually changing the file ids using Notepad ++
So it was an upgrade issue.
Thanks for identifying the specific problem area and the location of the video playback.
I'll check it out.
I'm doing it anyway.
(I asked the question when I bought the source code version, but I finally figured out that I hadn't done it then.)
Is it correct that the files that I can find that I am copying from to the m_scritor line but can't find the file to paste to are because it depends on the game I am producing?
Sorry for all the fuss.
I fixed all the mscriptor lines in what looked like the file in question by copy-pasting with references to the correct file.
There should be no omission in that work, but when I started Unity,
it asked me to start in safe mode, and I still could not open the move file.
Universal Fighting Engine Forum → General → Cannot open file
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