Topic: Reset?
I've created a new game mode which is called Quest Mode.
Basically, the selected player can travel on a map and click where she wants to go and select places where opponents are located.
The map is on another scene, and doesn't use the cam with the UFE_GlobalInfo file.
I load battles using SetPlayer1, SetPlayer2, and SetStage, and go back to UFE's main scene to play them.
Once the battle is over, using the OnGameEnds event, I go back to my other scene (with the map).
Everything works, except when I load up a second battle.
Both players and stage spawn, but the UI misses all information about the characters.
The AI no longer moves, and there's a lot of errors showing up.
Are there data to reset or update between battles set up this way?
(I own UFE Bundle 1.7.1)