Topic: How to make use of Unity Scenes?

For my game, I’m attempting to set up Arcade Mode using Unity’s Scene Manager. Given the needs of my game, using UFE’s Story Mode options won’t fulfill what I require. I have gotten the first match to load and play properly, however when I load into a new scene for the second match, I get an error saying that an image component has been deleted. The error only points me to the config asset, and I’m not entirely sure what script needs to change in order for it to work.


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Re: How to make use of Unity Scenes?

Here's a script for custom deployment. Maybe it will help you.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class CustomDeploy : MonoBehaviour
    public UFE3D.GlobalInfo globalConfigFile;
    public UFE3D.CharacterInfo P1SelectedChar;
    public UFE3D.CharacterInfo P2SelectedChar;
    public int selectedStage;

    public void LoadUFECharactersAndStage()
        globalConfigFile.deploymentOptions.deploymentType = UFE3D.DeploymentType.VersusMode;

        globalConfigFile.deploymentOptions.activeCharacters[0] = P1SelectedChar;
        globalConfigFile.deploymentOptions.activeCharacters[1] = P2SelectedChar;
        globalConfigFile.deploymentOptions.AIControlled[0] = false;
        globalConfigFile.deploymentOptions.AIControlled[1] = true;

        globalConfigFile.selectedStage = globalConfigFile.stages[selectedStage];


You might want to look into adding a scene additively. … itive.html

Can you provide a video of the issue?


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Re: How to make use of Unity Scenes?

I'll try using that to see if it works.

Also, here's a video showing the issue in question:


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