Topic: I want to make different blocking ooption

I want to make blocking controls a little bit different. Standing block and crouching block are enabled when you press up and down. But in block option, there is only 1 button, and there is only a Hold Back and Auto Block. Is there a fast way to do it and how?


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Re: I want to make different blocking ooption

UFE only allows one input to cause blocking at the time of this post.

Are you wanting to have multiple single button presses cause blocking?
You can use this script I created to have multiple single Button Presses cause blocking.

using UnityEngine;
using UFE3D;

public class CustomBlockingExample : MonoBehaviour
    // Warning this sets the potentialBlock variable to true 
    // As long as potentialBlock is set to true the character will block
    // UFE doesnt set potentialBlock to false automatically every frame

    private ButtonPress[] blockButtonPressArray;

    private void FixedUpdate()

    private void SetBlock(ControlsScript player)
        if (player == null)

        foreach (ButtonPress buttonPress in player.inputHeldDown.Keys)
            if (IsButtonPressMatch(buttonPress, blockButtonPressArray)
                && player.inputHeldDown[buttonPress] > 0)
                player.potentialBlock = true;

    public static bool IsButtonPressMatch(ButtonPress comparing, ButtonPress matching)
        if (comparing == matching)
            return true;

        return false;

    public static bool IsButtonPressMatch(ButtonPress comparing, ButtonPress[] matchingArray)
        if (matchingArray == null)
            return false;

        int length = matchingArray.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            if (IsButtonPressMatch(comparing, matchingArray[i]) == false)

            return true;

        return false;


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