1 (edited by Dodo44 2023-11-02 09:18:43)

Topic: Sprites as Particles always spawns at 0, 0, 0 location (Possible Bug?)


I'm working with sprites in my fighting game project. I setup the HitBox editor like the image below.

PunBB bbcode test

The white circle is called Spawn Point and is where the particle effect should be spawned.

Here is my Move File settings for Particles Effects:

PunBB bbcode test

And here is the Sprite which should be spawned:

PunBB bbcode test

But as a result, for some strange reason, it always spawns at 0, 0, 0 location instead of in my character's left hand (called Spawn Point as hitbox)
No matters what settings of Particles Effect I change.
And no matter where my character's position is.
Like the image below:

PunBB bbcode test

What could it be causing this? Possible bug?


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