Topic: [PAID?] How To Initialize CPU Control on a player that's not 1 or 2
I am trying to create a system where enemies are spawned and controlled using the fighting engine's AI. But when they are spawned, they do nothing and I can't attack them either. They have all of the necessary scripts, but they are completely inactive.
Here's my spawning code.
ControlsScript enemyControls = UFE.SpawnCharacter(enemyData.enemyData, UFEIntegration.EnemyCount + 3, -1, UFE.config.selectedStage.position, false, null, null, -1, enemyData.enemyGroup);
UFEController enemyAI = gameObject.AddComponent<UFEController>();
SimpleAI enemySimpleAI = gameObject.AddComponent<SimpleAI>();
enemySimpleAI.player = UFEIntegration.EnemyCount + 3;
RandomAI enemyRandomAI = gameObject.AddComponent<RandomAI>();
enemyRandomAI.player = UFEIntegration.EnemyCount + 3;
AbstractInputController enemyFuzzyAI = null;
if (UFE.isAiAddonInstalled && UFE.config.aiOptions.engine == AIEngine.FuzzyAI) {
enemyFuzzyAI = gameObject.AddComponent(UFE.SearchClass("RuleBasedAI")) as AbstractInputController;
enemyFuzzyAI.player = UFEIntegration.EnemyCount + 3;
enemyAI.cpuController = enemyFuzzyAI;
} else {
enemyAI.cpuController = enemyRandomAI;
enemyAI.isCPU = true;
enemyAI.player = UFEIntegration.EnemyCount + 3;
UFE.SetAI(UFEIntegration.EnemyCount + 3, enemyData.enemyData);
And in my controls script, I set the opponent control script to player 1's control script. Still nothing happens.
So, where am I going wrong when it comes to starting the AI?
I am willing to pay for help with this!