1 (edited by AlexarahX 2015-01-17 05:04:35)

Topic: Visual Studio Express or Mono Develop?

Hey everyone do any of you use Visual Studio over Mono Develop when programming C# in Unity? I'm asking because I feel that the current version of Mono Develop doesn't look as fully featured as Visual Studio Express does. So if anyone here does use Visual Studio Express for C# programming in Unity would it make programming for UFE somewhat easier? If not is there a programming plugin or tool somewhere that would make C# a little easier to learn because when it comes to UFE Javascript is completely out of the question.


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Re: Visual Studio Express or Mono Develop?

I use Visual Studio and it's better than Mono Develop in every possible way.  Mono is OK for editing smaller scripts and simple projects but as it gets larger I find it to be hopeless and Visual Studio is way better.


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Re: Visual Studio Express or Mono Develop?

AlexarahX: I haven't used VS, so I can't compare them.  However, I've never found MonoDevelop to be an issue for my uses.

If you're intending to just work with UFE, MonoDevelop should be good enough for your needs.

JS and C# aren't that much different, it's mostly the order of things and C# will force you to have better habits by not inferring a lot of stuff.  Most of Unity's code examples are (were?) in both languages, so that's an easy way to see how they're different.

If it helps, 6 years ago I started developing in Unity using only JS because I couldn't understand C# (effectively learning to program too).  In the last 3 years, I was forced to fudge my way through some C# for a project with other "real" programmers; then I got an actual contract which basically required me to use only C# - I learned it the hard way smile.  And after that contract, I managed to release a game I made solely programmed in C#.  Now, I only use C# as I now understand it better than I did JS.  It might take some time, but you can transition from JS to C#.

johndman: What do you feel are the deal breakers against MD?


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Re: Visual Studio Express or Mono Develop?

I like Autocomplete, so it's VS for me.


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Re: Visual Studio Express or Mono Develop?

Thanks to all of you for your input! But for now I'm settling with Notepad++ since it's free and supports a bunch of programming languages that neither Mono Develop nor Visual Studio support by default like Python and Ruby as an example.


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Re: Visual Studio Express or Mono Develop?

I use Notepad++ for some stuff too. It's a pretty good editor.


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