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Hit Box Setup

One of the key ingredients of any fighting game are hitboxes. Different than other action games, 2.5D fighting games rely on precision hits in a more “mechanical” way, as it emulates the sensation of playing a 2D game with the precision (and impact) of well adjusted invisible hitboxes.

There are many types of hitboxes, around, and thanks to the recent use of 3D technology to emulate 2D game play, hitboxes are commonly known for following body joints. Here are some examples:

UFE uses a similar technology: if a hitbox and a hurtbox are overlapping then a hit is confirmed.

UFE uses circles and rectangles as hitboxes which gives you a wide variety of game play to work with. Circles and rectangles can be used simultaneously, UFE will detect hits between any combination of hitbox/hurtbox shapes.

Make sure you first set your character model(s) under Character Prefabs before proceeding to the sections below.


Works similar to Unity's default Transform component. Adjust your character's rotation so it looks like its standing on the left side of the screen.


Hit Boxes

Tag your character's body parts to the hit boxes, set its shape, size, collision type and hitbox type.


Code example:

void OnHit(HitBox strokeHitBox, MoveInfo move, CharacterInfo hitter){
	if (strokeHitBox.type == HitBoxType.low) Debug.Log ("low hit!");

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