Camera Options

Set the camera's initial positions as well as the zoom and smooth translation. These values can be changed at run-time.

Initial Distance: The camera's initial position.

Initial Rotation: The camera's initial and default rotation. NOTE: This is somewhat overridden if Enable LookAt (below) is toggled on.

Vertical Follow:

Enable LookAt: Toggle this to uses Unity's LookAt() function. This means the camera is always looking at the pivot point between the two players (including rotation offset). Movement Speed will not affect the rotation speed of the camera.

Field of View: Set the camera's initial and default field of view.

Camera move Speed: How fast will the camera move to follow the action.

Enable Zoom:

Maximum Players Distance: The maximum distance the characters have between them.

Code access:


Code example:

void Awake(){
	UFE.config.cameraOptions.initialFieldOfView = 10;

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