Here you can setup the stages in your game. Coming soon: Interactables
Stage Prefab
if the file is located under .Resources\Stages\Stage.prefab
. The Resources Folder can be placed anywhere in your project (there is one located under .UFE\
Stage Prefab (Legacy): A prefab containing your stage model.
Stage/Music Resource Path: Write the path of the file beginning from the Resources folder.
Stage Name: The name of this stage.
Music: A song that will be played during the game when this stage is selected.
Left Boundary: How far to the left the characters can walk to.
Right Boundary: How far to the right the characters can walk to.
Ground Friction: How “slippery” the ground is. The smaller the value, the more slippery it is.
Position: The position of the ground.
Screenshot: A screenshot of this stage.
Code access:
Code example: =;