Table of Contents

Requirement (UFE 1.x)


If acquired from Unity's Asset Store:

If acquired from other stores:

Project Settings

Upon installation UFE will attempt to automatically update the Input Manager under Project Settings. If this fails, you might end up with a few errors such as controls not working or characters falling off the screen. A common description of this error can be found in the Unity's error console as “UnityException: Input Axis (..) is not setup”. To fix this error and update your Input Manager settings follow these steps:

Getting Started

If you decide to start a new scene, skip to Starting a new scene.

Opening the demo files:

Starting a new scene:

Known Issues

Obsolete Libraries Warning
If you have the Network addon you might see this warning whenever you update a script:

Assets/UFE Addons/Network Support/LegacyNetworkMultiplayerAPI.cs(79,50): warning CS0618: `UnityEngine.NetworkView.RPC(string, UnityEngine.RPCMode, params object[])' is obsolete: `NetworkView RPC functions are deprecated. Refer to the new Multiplayer Networking system.'

The current Netcode for UFE uses a slightly deprecated version of the Network Libraries. Not to worry, these libraries won't be out of Unity anytime soon. We will be sure to update these to the new algorithms when the time is right.

FMOD Error Warning
If you have the VideoIntroScreen selected under the GUI Options, upon starting the TrainingRoom scene and running the game you might see this error:

Error: Cannot create FMOD::Sound instance for resource (null), (An invalid parameter was passed to this function. )
<LoadMovie>c__Iterator7:MoveNext() (at Assets/UFE/Scripts/UI/Templates/VideoIntroScreen.cs:91)

This error happens when UFE attempt to stream videos from the StreamingAssets folder or the web. Although inconvenient, this message doesn't seem to affect the game (or video streaming) in any way.
If you don't want to see this error, switch the IntroScreen template to TextureIntroScreen (located in the same folder). This screen loads a static image instead.


To update an existing copy of your UFE follow these instructions.

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