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Counter Hit Options

Set rather or not your game has counter hits and what happens when a character lands one.

Start Up Frames: If a hit counters an opponent's attack while it's in the start up frames, counter hit will trigger.

Active Frames: If a hit counters an opponent's attack while it's in the active up frames, counter hit will trigger.

Recovery Frames: If a hit counters an opponent's attack while it's in the recovery frames, counter hit will trigger.

Damage Increase (%): If a counter hit triggers, determine how much more damage this attack will do (0 = no increase)

Hit Stun Increase (%): If a counter hit triggers, determine how much more stun this attack will do (0 = no stun increment)

Code access:


Code example:

void OnGameBegins(CharacterInfo player1, CharacterInfo player2, StageOptions stage){
	UFE.config.counterHitOptions.damageIncrease = 50;

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global/counterhit.1393907447.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/03 23:30 by Mistermind