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General Options

Set options like attack type, armor and gauge of your move here.

Move Name: The move name. This is the main identifier for this move.

Move Description: The move description. Can be used in handy guides inside your game.

FPS Architecture: The frame per second architecture this move is designed for. By default this value is set to 60. Be very careful when changing this value on already coded moves. The editor will recalculate the frames in your move which can cause already coded frame data to malfunction.

Attack Type: If the attack is Regular, Special, EX or Super. Although you can use this for organization purposes while creating your special moves, Currently UFE has no visual cue to distinct these value types.

Armor: How many hits can a character using this move takes before breaking the move. You can read more about it following this link.

Combat Stance: Use this option to change between move sets by setting this value to the desired stance. If you don't need to change stances, just leave this value untouched.

Ignore Gravity: If this move is triggered in the air, should the character ignore the laws of physics for the duration of the move?

Gauge (Meter) Options: Set how much gauge the character will receive on hit, miss or block -or- how much gauge a move requires to be triggered by the player.

Possible Stances: Possible character positions in witch a move be executed by the player. The options are Stand, Crouch, Angled Jump, Straight Jump. You can set multiple possible stances to allow the move to be executed from several different positions. Coming soon: Forward Jump, Back Jump, Close to Opponent, Far from Opponent.

Code example:

void OnHit(HitBox strokeHitBox, MoveInfo move, CharacterInfo hitter){
	if (move.attackType == AttackType.EX) Debug.Log("EX Move fired!");

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move/general.1386778638.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/11 11:17 by Mistermind