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Character Prefabs

Here you will select the 3D model that represents this character. This model musts be encapsulated into a Prefab and it must have the following attached components:

  • (SOURCE VERSION) Hit Boxes Script (.\UFE\Scripts\HitBoxesScript.cs)
  • (OTHER VERSIONS) Hit Boxes Script (.\UFE\Plugin\UFE.dll\HitBoxesScript)
  • Animation/Animator (Unity Component)

Watch this tutorial to learn how to create a character prefab.

Create a character prefab

Follow the steps below to create a character prefab for UFE using your recently imported 3D model:

  • Drag your character model from your project folder to the Hierarchy
  • If it doesn't have the animation/animator component yet, click on Add Component and search for the component. Search for animation if you are using Legacy or animator for Mecanim. No further configuration is necessary.
  • Using the Project window, navigate to .\UFE\Scripts\HitBoxesScript.cs 1) and, with the character still selected, drag the script to the Inspector window. No further configuration is necessary.
  • Once you're done, drag the character back from Hierarchy to your desired folder in the Project window. Unity will automatically create a prefab.

Now drag your newly created prefab to the Default Prefab under the Character Prefabs panel. Once you have your character in, you can select the prefab under HitBox Setup to see and edit your character's hit boxes.

Alternative costumes

To create alternative costumes just unfold the option and click on New Prefab. Repeat the process above to create a different prefab and drag it to the Alternative Prefab field. You can also enable color masks if you just want to have quick color switches to your prefab.


  • If you are using Mecanim, all prefabs must use the same avatar (set under Move Sets option).
  • UFE automatically attempts to load the first alternative costume listed if both players select the same character. Currently UFE does not have an UI template that allows for custom selection of alt costumes, but we hope to add that in the future. In the meantime feel free to create your own solutions using the open source GUI templates (.GUI\UI Prefabs\CharacterSelectionScreen.prefab and .Scripts\UI\Templates\DefaultCharacterSelectionScreen.cs) selectable under GUI Options.
  • I strongly recommend engaging with the community to find solutions on how to interact and apply your custom costumes. I'll even post the link here if someone makes a good tutorial about it!

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.\UFE\Plugin\UFE.dll\HitBoxesScript if you are not using the source version.
character/prefabs.1475711633.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/05 19:53 by Mistermind