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Particle Effects Options

Create a quick particle effect for visual glare. This has no impact on game play.

Casting Frame: When during the move the particle should be cast.

Particle Effect: The Game Object Prefab containing the desired particle effect.

Duration (seconds): How long this particle should last on screen.

* Sticky: If toggled on, the particle will follow the body part as it emits.

* Body Part: The body part relative to the character (defined in the hitbox setup) where this particle will appear.

  • Off Set (relative): The position (relative to the body part) this particle will appear when this move plays.

Note: Its recommended that you set the particle effects set inside your FBX animation instead of using this tool, as it will give you more control.

Code example:

void OnHit(HitBox strokeHitBox, MoveInfo move, CharacterInfo hitter){
	Debug.Log("Total effects:" + move.particleEffects.Length);

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move/particleeffects.1393909203.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/04 00:00 by Mistermind