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Before the battle starts UFE attempts to preload some of the Game Objects. Select (or deselect) if you feel like this is causing issues in your game.

Hit Effects: Untoggle to stop the engine from pre-loading the Game Objects from Global Editor -> Hit Effects.

Player 1/2 Character & Moves: Untoggle to stop the engine from searching and pre-loading every Game Object from the character files that are about to fight and their respective moves.

Stage: Untoggle to stop the engine from loading the selected stage prefab.

Warm All Shaders: Run Unity's own Preloader technique before the battle starts. (for more information click here)

Freeze Timer: If toggled the timer will stop running.

Player 1/2 Life/Gauge: Choose how the life bar (or gauge) for each player will behave. If Normal is selected the game will end just as if it was a normal game. If Refill is selected the gauge will refill after Refill Time. If Infinite is selected the bar(s) will always stay full.

Refill Time (seconds): How long of no activity should the engine wait before refilling the bar (in case Refill is selected in any of the fields above).

Code access:


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global/preload.1431657585.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/14 22:39 by Mistermind