Change Log
Check out all the changes between versions as the project progresses. For upcoming features click here.
UFE 2.x
Version 2.7.0
Updated to Unity 6 (still compatible with older versions)
Added new UFE Wizard Window
Created auto-update system to help retrieve data from old UFE versions
Major fixes and improvements throughout all UFE editors
Added ability to copy/paste individual editor sections as well as the ability to undo changes (Ctrl+Z)
Several Global Options encapsulated into new group: Match Options (no definition changes)
Several Move Options encapsulated into new group: Presentation (no definition changes)
New Editor Window: Move Set Editor (detached from Character Editor)
Added ability to override character's default physics when switching Move Sets
Added new physics modifiers: Allows for damage, stun and gauge (de)buffs when switching stances
Added new basic moves: Standing (Right/Left) Hit and Dizzy
Added new option under Global → Match Options → Round: Allow Finishing Move (uses Dizzy)
Added new Camera Editor option under Move →
Added several new sub-options to Move → Hit Options →
Hit → Damage integrated into new option under Hit→ Hit Options → Meter Adjustments
Gauge and life systems reworked into a new meter system (also used in Challenge and Training Modes)
Move → Hit Options → Blockable Options expanded
Added new Option to Move Editor: Teleport
Move Editor → Projectile options expanded (now uses the same data fields as hit options)
Several new additions made to Challenge Mode
Support for Simple AI on Challenges (scripted/pre-rec movement)
Added support for Quick/Delayed Stand under Global → Match Options → Knock Down Options
Map Recorder can now record the entire cast of characters from a global file at once
Fixed issue with Move ID conflict issues (replaced with GUID)
(Source) Editor options separated into modular files
(code) Added new events: OnGaugeDrained and OnFirstHit
(code) Added new utils class: UFEInput. Ex: UFEInput.GetButtonDown(player: 1, button: 1)
Forum Post:
Version 2.6.0
All network synchronization issues fixed
Major refactors all around the code base (renames, intellisense changes, removed redundancies and unused code)
Larger files split into smaller classes/partial classes
Reworked connection handlers
Added ability to test network with AI controlled players
Animation Mapper improved. Maps are now saved in a separated file and attached to each Move Set.
Added support for Speed Key Frames on Animation Mapper
Updated how Random Matches are searched (now uses JoinOrCreateRandomMatch)
Particle Effects now properly sync up with rollbacks, pauses and replays
Added new option under Network Connection screen: Region Select
Added option for the player to change the desired input delay and the use of rollback in the demo
“You” tag to local player during online games reinstated
Improved and refactored stance changes
Updated logo and menu backgrounds
Refactored UFEScreens and derivered classed
Fixed several issues with menu interfaces while using controllers
Added ability to select “Character Specific Moves” under Move Editor → Move Links
Fixed issue with invincible frames would linger when linking multiple moves
Fixed issue where characters stay crouched after round is over
Added ability to add custom screens under Global →
GUI (now called Custom Interfaces)
Fixed window menu options and grouped into the correct group
Removed Lan Options from Global Editor → Network Options (deprecated)
Adde new option to Global Editor → Network Options: Particle Control
Fixed issue where projectiles would collide with inactive assists
Added new input manager option: Native Touch Controls (uses a simple open source
GUI solution for touch inputs)
Refactored unique Id. Now its no longer attached to the move name (moves can have repeated names when mapping animations)
Forum Post:
Version 2.5.3
Added new option under Move Editor →
Projectiles: Follow Caster
Added option “Spin Around Character” when “Follow Character” is toggled under Move Editor →
Added new move to Mecanim Bot and Suzan: Spinning Orbs (Down + Forward Btn 1/2, cost 2 bars, creates two spinning orbs around character)
Refactored and fixed issues introduced to Legacy Animation Control (LegacyControl.cs) from previous update
Fixed issue with deterioration code being applied on the first hit of the combo
Fixed combo hits so it accounts for hits done to assists
Fixed issue on Hitbox Editor where the field names would not align with the active frames column
Refactored debugger text to be an attachable game object under
Global Editor
Refactored Opponent Override's “Move To Position” option
Added “Force Grounded” to Opponent Override
Added option to use resource path instead of character prefab for character preview under Move files and Hitbox Editor
Fixed issue where using the “Prefab” option under Move Editor → Cinematic Options would not terminate after duration ends
Changed “Maximum Bounces” value type from Fix64 to int (value reset)
Added a warning when a move being linked is not listed under the character's move set
Fixed “Mirror on P2 side” for particles spawned under Move Editor
Projectile collision and blockable area detection refactored into FluxCapacitor Check Hit segment
Preview All Hitboxes
is now true by default on HitboxScript (Displays both Blockable Area and Collision Mass)
Fixed multiple blockable area values through out move templates (blockable area must be set at least 1 frame before the hit)
Fixed issue with Story Mode Demo (TextureConversationBeforeBattleScreen delay was set to 0)
Forum Post:
Version 2.5.2
Fixed compatibility issues with Unity 2022.3 or higher
Added new Demo 2D Fighter template: Shell_Mode (loads UFE on a secondary scene)
Fixed Pause Menu incorrectly being loaded from the wrong reference. Removed reference from BattleGUI
Fixed AlternativeCharacterSelectionScreen and made it default for the 2D Fighter Demo
New variables added to Global Editor → Camera Options: Left/Right boundaries
Reorganized and renamed demo scene files
Fixed conflict issues where room matches were to be found when searching random matches
Fixed rollback mirror flip issue when characters were afk/idle
Improved tracking and animation control methods for legacy animations
Removed all UNet dependencies
Added new Connection Screen before Network Options. Demos no longer connects to Photon on launch
RandomMatchScreen renamed to QuickMatchScreen
Forum Post:
Version 2.5.1
Fixed Fuzzy AI on WebGL builds
API CPU optimization
Fixed projectile impact prefab mirror
Added new option under Global Editor → Network Options → Sync Test → Desync Action: Disabled
Fixed Global Editor → Network Options → Sync Test → Desync Action: Disconnect option
Added new option under Global Editor → Debug Options → Replay Tools: Display In Training Mode Only
Fixed Disconnections not triggering on both sides
Added “Hit Doesn't Kill” to Move Editor → Projectile Options
Fixed 2D sprite flip on replays and online rollback
Forum Post:
Version 2.5.0
Updated to Unity 2021.3
New gameplay type implemented: 3D Arena
Challenge Mode Fully Implemented
Fixed templates for online menus for PRO and Standard versions
Added 2 new outro animations: Round Won and Time Out Lost
Fixed ground bounce reset issue when “Force Grounded” is used
Fixed Global Editor → Character Rotation Options → Smooth Rotation
Added “Display Collison Mass Gizmo” under Global Editor → Debug Options → Hit Boxes
Added “Allow Corner Stealing” under Global Editor → Character Rotation
Added new option to cancel into a new move when using Move Editor → General → Cancel Move On Landing
Fixed issue with same prefab particle effects spawning on the same frame
Fixed issue caused by projectiles with “Limit Multicasting”
Fixed issue with Standing Up from Crouching while attacking
Added “Stick to Character” toggle under Global Editor → Hit Effects
Added “Ground Bounce” toggle to Move Editor → Projectiles
Fixed “Jump Lock” bug
Added “Mirror on P2 Side” for projectile impact prefabs
Added “Mirror on P2 Side” to override hit effects
Added ability to use custom hitboxes on Move Editor → Particle Effects
Characters can now change ground stances while in block stun (less chance of unintended unblockables)
Fixed characters being stuck in “preblock” animation if a projectile is destroyed while in blockable area
Added “block stunned” option to Move Editor → Player Conditions
Added “Reset Stun Value” to possible Move Editor → Player Conditions (when down, block stunned or stunned)
Fixed camera issues with 3D gameplay
Fixed root motion animation issues when not using animation maps on 3D gameplay
Fixed hit trading issue at certain scenarios with custom hitboxes
Fixed issue with hurtbox position when disabling Character Rotation Options → Right Side Mirror on 3D gameplay
Added “Block Hits” Move Editor → Armor Options
Added Move Editor → Opponent Applied Forces
Added “Always Face Opponent” Global Editor → Character Rotation Options
Added new “Hit Info” parameter to the OnHit event
Added new event: OnGaugeUpdate
(Source/PRO) Added “Clear animation maps” button under MapRecorder
Forum post:
Version 2.4.1
Version 2.4.0
Updated to Unity 2020.2
Added support for Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN2)
Added option to override basic moves with move files
Core code refactored to accommodate future implementations of Team Mode
Fixed crouching interpolation glitches (crouching down and standing up act as “ClampOnce” regardless of WrapMode chosen)
Fixed issues with hitbox offset preview under Character Editor
Refactored network UI options screens so all connection options are in one screen
Network sync testing tools refined and optimized for more precise debugging
Fixed map recorder delta position issues (when root mode is applied)
Fixed animation speed inconsistency after hit stun
Fixed map recorder's mecanim animation issue
Fixed issue where tapping forward or back during taking off timer would trigger incorrect jump animation
Added more filters to plinking conditions
Fixed crouch stun animation issue (no longer plays crouching in animation when getting hit)
Fixed projectile not recognizing unblockable states
Fixed issue with projectile on projectile collision when limited duration is applied
Fixed conflict on auto moves and plinking incorrectly overriding buffer
Fixed minor UI issues in the templates
Fixed issue where pressing to go back to main menu under pause menu triggers story mode
Fixed total frame count inconsistency on the Move Editor and debug mode
Added new option under Character Editor → Move Sets: Normalize Animation Frames (useful for 2D)
Fixed cinematic options under 3D Fighter
Added new option for 3D Fighter under Global Editor → Character Rotation Options: Allow Airborne Side Switch
Added new option for 3D Fighter under Move Editor → General: Allow Side Switch
Added a second 3D Fighter gameplay template (3rd person view)
Version 2.3.0
Updated to Unity 2019.3
(Standard+) New gameplay type added: 3D Fighter (Beta)
(PRO+) Added ability to record replays (Beta)
Demo folders reorganized to accommodate new gameplay option
(Standard+) New 3D Fighter template files have been added to the “demos” folder
(Runtime) Fixed network desync issues caused by previous updates
Compatibility with UFE 1.x files have been removed
Deprecated UFE 1.x variables removed, reducing size of asset files
Added compacted version of UFE 2.2.1 in a unitypackage file (in case you need to upgrade from 1.x)
(Runtime) Fixed VideoIntroScreen
Fixed some editor UI issues caused by Unity 2019.3 update
(Source) Enum casting moved to individual files and stored in relative sub-folders
(Source) Collision system refactored. New static class created to handle all collision detection: CollisionManager
Copy/Paste editor functionality now stores the copied selection (instead of removing after paste)
(PRO+) Added open source replay tools script for maximum customization
(Standard+) New mode option added: Gameplay Type (2D Fighter | 3D Fighter)
Debug Mode: Added Input Display options (select in which mode the input display appears)
(PRO+) Debug Mode: Added Recording Tools options
Debug Mode: Start Game Immediately removed. (New options under Deployment Options)
New section: Deployment Options
New alternative options added for Camera Options when 3D Fighter mode is selected
Camera Options: Added “Vertical Follow” option (controls the camera when character jumps)
Camera Options: Added “Smooth Rotation” toggle
Round Options: Added “Play intros at same time”
Hit Effect Options: Added “Sort Layer on Hit” (2D animations only)
GUI Options: Added Replay Tools UI Template
(PRO+) Network Options: Added Synchronization Test segment (Set of tools to find desyncs caused by changes in the source code or different compiled versions)
(Standard+) New mode option added: Gameplay Type (2D Fighter | 3D Fighter)
Physics: Jump forces are now individually controlled and no longer affected by remaining friction force
Physics: Added Jump Back Distance
Physics: Added Move Sideways Speed (3D Fighter)
New section: Custom Controls
Move Sets: New basic animation slot: Move Sideways (3D Fighter)
Move Sets: New clips added to the crouch state slot: “Crouching” and “Standing Up”
(Runtime) Fixed horizontal remaining forces affecting horizontal jump forces
(Standard+) New mode option added: Gameplay Type (2D Fighter | 3D Fighter)
Animation: Added ability to rotate the character under preview mode
Cinematic: Added frame counter under preview mode
Chain Moves: Added “Ignore Gauge Requirements” toggle under linked moves
New section: Sort Layer (2D Fighter)
New section: Lock On (3D Fighter)
Added “z” variation for all force or position options when 3D Fighter is selected
(PRO+) Fixed inconsistency frame data caused when using cinematics and baked animation maps
Version 2.2.1
Scripts updated to Unity 2019.2
Fixed issue with speed values on custom hitboxes and basic moves
Added option to switch between Mecanim's mirror functionality or scale flipping for when a character is on the right side under Character Editor. The same option switches the use of Sprite Renderer' flip to a scale flip technique when using 2D characters
Added option to use FixedUpdate for input reading (instead of the classic Update) under Global Editor → Advanced Options. Useful if you are having issues with input delay
Fixed issue with Scenes loaded as stages after Unity 2019 update
When loading Scenes as stages, you can now use either the
name or the
path of the selected scene
Fixed issue with incorrect frame values caused by certain instances of Custom Hitbox Editor
Fixed issue with incorrect active frame values displayed under Move Editor Window
Fixed issue with UI becoming unresponsive when one of the players disconnects after match is over
Version 2.2.0
Scripts updated to Unity 2019.1.3
Added support for 2D sprites
New character added to the roster: Ellen (2D)
New character added to the roster: Suzan (3D - Mecanim Bot's moveset)
Fixed priority issues with plinking moves
Fixed issue when attempting to connect to a new match right after finishing an online match
Fixed after screen options after an online match
Added new
GUI screen: Online Mode After Battle Screen
Fixed issue with changing the frames per seconds of your project to values different than 60
Added new option under Global Editor → Advanced Options → Auto Save UFE Assets
Added new option under Move Editor → General → Execution Cooldown
Fixed on-screen debug font size when using with “Start Game Immediately”
Fixed issue with custom stage position under Global Editor → Stages
Fixed issue with stage scene not properly changing when in Story Mode
Added new overload for UFE.SpawnGameObject (takes both frame count and seconds)
(Source) Core files moved under Script folder
(Source) All subclasses under GlobalInfo, MoveInfo and CharacterInfo moved to independent files
Version 2.1.1
Scripts updated to Unity 2018.3
Stages can now be loaded as individual scenes
Added ability to record individual animation maps on the Animation Map Recorder
Added option to change Hitbox colors under Global Editor → Debug Info
Added new option under Character Editor Basic Moves → Down Clips: “Loop Down Clip”
Added new variable under Global → Round Options: After Battle Menu Delay
Removed UNet libraries from main scripts folder. UNet libraries are now inside a unity package under UFE\Scripts\ThirdParty
(Source) Moved core script files from UFE\Scripts to UFE\Core due to a new assembly process
More improvements done to plinking and move execution priority
Fixed issue with move's auto-rotation option. It now triggers -before- the frame window value
Fixed issue with Animation Recorder recording blending values on Mecanim animations
Fixed issue with a few stand up animations not being properly automatically set
Fixed issue with particle effects not working on 'outro' moves
Fixed editor layout issue caused by Unity 2018.3 update
(Pro/Source) Fixed issue with animation recorder and root motion caused by Unity 2018.3 update
Fixed issue with plinking overriding certain moves when executed in a short interval
Fixed issue with activating pull-in while in the corner (commonly used with opponent override)
Version 2.1.0
(Standard+) Character Assists: Summon a character any moment in battle to cast a move. Character can be hit along with caster as well as hit with caster to create even larger combos. Multiple characters can be summoned at once, and even do cinematic moves. This feature will receive several expansions in the upcoming months and is the predecessor to tag team functionality.
(Standard+) Ethan joins the fight!
Multi-gauge support: You can have as many power gauges you like. You can also decide which frame should the “meter gain on cast” and gauge drain should start.
Input Viewer now supports diagonal inputs.
Improved visuals to some of the Character Editor options.
Expanded root motion options under Move Editor → Animations. You can now lock individual axis during an animation.
Added a new option to Projectiles: Limit Multicasting. You can now limit how many active projectiles are on screen at the time.
Added new option to Inputs: Force Axis Precision. Toggle it to discriminate diagonals when attempting a move sequence.
Ability to add your own custom Input Manager class. Usage example can be found under
. Use it by adding the component to UFE Manager (located under the hierarchy) and selecting Custom Class under
Input Options.
Fixed issues with the disconnection screen after an online match.
Fixed issues with Round Options > Reset Position.
Fixed issue with throws when inverting rotation.
Fixed issue with time over when it should be a draw.
Fixed issue so moves can be set without animations in it.
Fixed collision detection with rectangles when opponent was facing the wrong direction.
Fixed issue with sticky particles initial position.
Version 2.0.3
Updated to Unity 2018.2.12
Move sequence and execution system reviewed and optimized
Increased amount of possible custom animations for Hit Reactions (from 3 to 9)
Added new option to Move →
Projectiles: Destroy On Camera Bounds
Added new option to Move →
Projectiles: Apply Gravity (usage example under Robot Kyle's fireballs)
Some refactors and reviews done on core scripts to allow for the new upcoming feature: Character Assist
API Connector for the Bluetooth Addon
Fixed issue when leaving the game through the menu causing the game to continue running on the background
Added updates to Rewired system and support for second player controller
New option under
Global -> Advanced: Lock Z Axis. If toggled, once a move stop playing the character will return to the locked 2D axis.
Added option to lock specific axis if root motion is applied (both basic and special moves)
Changed how wallbounce distance works when bouncing off camera. To adjust the new value, use the new option under
Hit -> Stage Reaction: Camera Edge Offset
(Source Only) New move added to Ethan: Pressing Btn 1 + 2 makes all his attacks hit twice for a limited time (full gauge)
Added support for Projectile and Physical invulnerable hurt boxes (Allows for specific hitboxes to be immune to projectiles or physical attacks)
Fixed issue with rotation after specific moves switches character directions
Fixed issue with incorrect delta displacement values when using move orientation toggles with animation maps
Fixed some issues with UFE.timeScale and game speed manipulation
Fixed issue with timer not going down
Fixed description for languages → draw
Several reviews done to the template files
Version 2.0.2
Updated to Unity 2018.2.8
Added support for trade hits and double K.O.
Added Apply Different Block Force
to both regular hits and projectiles
Fixed issue with animation root motion and time manipulation options
Fixed issue with 'continuous hit' and game speed manipulation
Fixed UFE Input Setup. Now its located under Window → UFE → Project Settings
Added new option under MapRecorder: Bake Game Speed (Toggle to record the frames based on the game speed value set under UFE → Advanced Options → Game Speed)
Added individual shake density values for camera and character under Global → hit effects and Move Editor → override hit effects
Several reviews done to the template files
Version 2.0.1
Updated to Unity 2018.2.5
UFE 2 now backwards compatible with Unity 2017+ (Source only)
Fixed issue with preloader not loading all possible effects (no more initial load hiccup)
Added option to disable Network options completely
Fixed rare collision issue causing different shapes to not be correctly detected
Apply Different Air Force
Reset Horizontal Force
Reset Vertical Force
New character: Ethan (Source only)
Fixed issue with story mode missing boss file
All character prefabs and movesets moved to the resource folder
Removed fade-out from Loading Screen (making 'loading…' visible during actual loading)
Projectiles now have controlled force in different states
Version 2.0.0
Updated to Unity 2018.2
Removed deprecated network libraries
All files reorganized into better folder structures
No more warnings: Code and templates cleaned and refactored
Code is now deterministic and supports
rollback input
UFE now supports UNet and
Photon as Network services
UFE 1.x
Version 1.8.6
Updated to Unity 2018
Fixed the 1 frame disparity between the values in the
move editor and gameplay
Version 1.8.5
Version 1.8.4
Updated to Unity 2017.2
Added support for
Rewired (custom input manager)
Version 1.8.3
Updated to Unity 2017
Added Custom
value option to every Size
Enum Field (Continuous Hit, Bounce Forces, Deterioration values, etc.)
Older Versions
How to update your UFE build
Remember to backup your project before you proceed!
Keep a backup of your configuration files at all times!
Download new package:
Asset Store: Under Unity, click on Window → Package Manager. Find your UFE version and click “download”, then “import”. If you are seeing errors or file conflicts that means some files might have changed. In this case, delete the original UFE folder first.
Payhip: Use the
same link that was provided when you first purchased the product to download this update. If you run into issues send me a
private message with the e-mail used in the purchase so I can validate it and help you.
If you prefer to manually update your files, follow these procedures:
Update (Entire Project):
Close Unity.
Replace1) all files under
<Project Folder>\Assets\UFE\
with the ones inside the package.
Update (Scripts Only):
Close Unity.
All versions: Under
<Project Folder>\Assets\
remove2) all content from the folder
and replace it with the new version of UFE. If you made modifications to specific files, make sure you use a
compare software to analyze the changes and move any additional files outside the scope.
Update (Global, Character and Move Templates):
If you are updating from UFE 1 to UFE 2, follow these instructions after importing your project.
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